
Global District Energy Climate Awards

What is District Energy

The fundamental idea of District Energy (DE) is simple: reusing / recycling surplus energy that otherwise would be wasted. District Energy systems are therefore essential to reducing CO2 emissions and increasing energy efficiency in our cities, communities and campuses.

The environmental, economic and social benefits of harnessing surplus heat and using local renewable energy sources make District Energy the sensible choice for communities seeking to promote economic growth while minimizing the environmental consequences.

Why District Energy

More than half the energy we use for heating and cooling is wasted. District Energy can play an important role in reducing CO2 emissions and increasing energy efficiency in our cities, communities and campuses. For this purpose, representative organisations of the District Energy sector, decided to join forces in leading the way to COP 15 in 2009. Together, these organisations focused their efforts into mobilising members, NGOs, municipal, regional and central governments and politicians for adequate climate action. Since they were launched in 2009, the Global District Energy Climate Awards have offered visibility and recognition to the many communities, cities and campuses around the world that have embraced District Energy as a vital part of their sustainability planning.

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