21 Nov 2017

Danish and Chinese Continue Legacy of Exchange on District Energy

Convened by District Energy in Cities, the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) and the Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency (C2E2) jointly prepared a study tour for the National Development Reform Commission (NDRC) and National Energy Conservation Center (NECC) delegation on 26th Oct.

The goal of the tour was to examine the practical application of district energy through the lens of a successful implementing city. To further assist China in their energy efficiency ambitions, DES shared the current work and lessons learned in Banja Luka, India and its future plans for the many other diverse countries connected with the Initiative.

Dr. Zhao Huaiyong, Director of Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Division of NDRC, expressed positive feedback from his observations of Copenhagen’s district energy system and hoped to further collaboration with DES Initiative on projects in China.

Other participants from a provincial DRC division and NECC expressed great interests in the ongoing city selection of DES in China as well. The delegation was also able to visit the building of UN City, a LEED-Platinum building awarded the European Commission’s Green Building Award for New Buildings, for further study of sustainable planning.

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